BSCol offers sponsorship and exhibition opportunities at our conferences and summits. With 4 industry summits, 4 executive level conferences, and an annual North American Summit, our events reach over 2,500 executives annually. Delegates are highly qualified decision makers. If you provide Balanced Scorecard or performance measurement or management products or services, these events provide an […]
Category Archives: Conferences
BSCol Conference Calendar Together with our partners and affiliates, BSCol offers training, executive, and summit conferences throughout the world. Select your region below to learn more about conferences designed specifically to meet your needs. U.S. Events Calendar Select Region: All Regions Europe Middle East Latin America Africa North America Asia – Pacific Australia – New Zealand :: November 2006 Cascading Strategy […]
How-To Training How-To Training Seminars are the event of choice if you’re interested in a “hands-on” experience. Monthly training events feature Balanced Scorecard Collaborative professional consultants and certified trainers. These two seminars include hands-on learning, a how-to approach for getting results, and practitioner networking. :: Mapping Strategy Using the Balanced Scorecard This is the event […]
Annual Summits are the event of choice if you’re interested in BSC state-of-the-art, exemplary case studies, technology, and communities of practice. :: BSC Summits Premier events featuring Drs. Robert Kaplan and/or David Norton and produced annually around the globe, these are the events of choice for learning BSC state-of-the-art practices, the BSC in the context of […]